Baba vanga 2025

Jul 16, 2024
¿Qué predijo la famosa Baba Vanga para el 2023? Estas son las 5 profecías más impactantes de la vidente y que podrían cumplirse..

Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, conocida como Baba Vanga, no era una mujer común. Nacida en 1911, la vida de esta búlgara estuvo marcada por una tragedia aGlobal Unity: The year 2025 is forecasted to be a time of global unity and collaboration, with nations coming together to address shared challenges. Baba Vanga’s prophecies highlight the importance of cooperation and solidarity in building a more peaceful and sustainable world. Personal Growth: In her predictions for 2025, Baba Vanga ...Just so you know, prior to her death, Vanga also predicted the resolution of the world hunger crisis between 2025 and 2028, communism's return by 2076, and …Přesně 20 let uplynulo ve čtvrtek od úmrtí jedné z nejznámějších věštkyň, bulharské vědmy Vangelije Pandevy Dimitrovové - Gušterovové, kterou pod pseudonymem Baba Vanga zná celý svět. Slepá vědma předpověděla třeba začátek 2. světové války, havárii Černobylu nebo útoky z 11. září.The predictions of Baba Vanga for 2025 are a major topic ofn the internet so here is the detailed article on her predictions.Baba Vanga 2024. - to su njezina predviđanja za 2024. godinu, koja smo pokušali dokučiti i dešifrirati iz raznih internetskih izvora, a obećavaju velike promjene. Baba Vanga, bugarska proročica, postala je legenda zbog svojih nevjerojatnih predviđanja. Rođena je 1911. u skromnom bugarskom selu. Unatoč, ili zbog toga, gubitka vida u tornadu u dobi od 12 godina, razvila je nevjerojatnu ...YOUTH TV KENYA. February 26, 2016 ·. Could Europe disappear in 2025 ? See Baba Vanga predictions. Baba Vanga (Vangelia) Pandeva was born on January 31, 1911. She died on August 11, 1996 . She lived in the city of Petrich, Bulgaria . Vanga lost her sight when she was 12. She was swept away by a mighty tornado.Algo alentador entre lo que podría pasar para 2024, según Baba Vanga, están los avances en medicina, con el descubrimiento de tratamientos efectivos para combatir enfermedades como el cáncer y ...Dotyk - Baba Vanga patří mezi nejznámější světové věštkyně. Pologramotná a slepá Bulharka předpověděla černobylskou katastrofu, atentát na papeže Jana Pavla II. nebo útoky z 11. září. Uprostřed invaze Ruska na Ukrajinu je téměř nemožné ignorovat její proroctví o startu 3. světové války.Further notes: According to (), a Bulgarian news portal, is said to have said in interviews in 2010 that Baba Vanga never spoke about the end of the world.. The following predictions have been translated from English with DeepL, translation errors are possible, if something is not correct, please send me via contact form a Send message or information I should add.Baba Vanga előrejelzései valóra váltak, például Joseph Sztálin halálának időpontja, a szeptember 11-i támadások, a jugoszláv színésznő és énekes, Silvana Armenulić halála és még sok más. ... A Baba Vanga számos jövőbeni jóslata magában foglalja az éhség felszámolását 2025 és 2028 között (Fenntartható ...Nov 28, 2023 · Foresight is 20/20 for a blind Bulgarian seer named Baba Vanga, according to her followers. ... humanity can look forward to a resolution of world hunger between 2025 and 2028, according to Euro News.Aunque Baba Vanga falleció en 1996 a los 85 años debido a un cáncer de mama, sus predicciones abarcan muchos milenios, llegando hasta el año 5079. Entre sus aciertos más destacados se ...Baba Vanga predictions list for 2024 - 6 Chaotic events to come this year 😨. 1. Tech revolutions 💻. In the wild world of 2024 tech, big things are brewing, at least according to Baba Vanga's ...Najpoznatija vidovnjakinja 20. stoljeća, Vangelia Pandeva Gušterova ili, jednostavnije, baba Vanga, umrla je 1996. godine, ali je iza sebe ostavila predviđanja i za 2022. Naime, kao što su o tome pisali brojni svjetski mediji tamo potkraj studenoga, vidovnjakinja je najavila da će 2022. godine svijet pogoditi velike poplave te je pritom …Baba Vanga, vlastním jménem Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova – Gušterova (31. ledna 1911 – 11. srpna 1996) byla bulharská slepá věštkyně, která prožila velmi zajímavý život. Byla považována za senzibilku, která má nadpřirozené schopnosti a umí věštit budoucnost. Kromě toho také měla i léčitelské nadání. Údajně ...Baba Vanga was a Bulgarian alleged clairvoyant. She convinced many followers that she possessed paranormal abilities. Predictions: 2010 – World War III. War will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. Will begin as usual, then nuclear will be used initially, and then chemical weapons. 2011 – As a result of the fallout of nuclear ...Baba Vanga left a list of predictions for years to come and one of her 2023 forecast's has just come true.След нея ще настане епоха на мирно развитие на останалите живи хора.”. Слава Севрюкова: До 2025 г. всеки българин зад граница да се прибира в България! “ Когато светът тръгне на зле, ние ще сме ...Baba Vanga wasn't born blind, but by all accounts lost her sight in a freak accident in childhood. In 1925, she attended a school for the blind in Zemun, where she learned Braille. Unlike Nostradamus, though, she didn't write any of her visions down. She relied on those around her to communicate what she saw, which she attributed to "invisible ...Според Ванга, между 2025 и 2028 година, ще бъде решен проблемът с недостига на храна по света и ще бъде намерено ефикасно решение за справяне с глада. 6. Ислямът ще доминира в Европа. Според „Ню ...But Ramdev has big ambitions for his company in Nepal. As a bare-chested Ramdev performed stretches and contortions on International Yoga Day, his ayurvedic company found itself in...Baba Vanga 2024. - to su njezina predviđanja za 2024. godinu, koja smo pokušali dokučiti i dešifrirati iz raznih internetskih izvora, a obećavaju velike promjene. Baba Vanga, bugarska proročica, postala je legenda zbog svojih nevjerojatnih predviđanja. Rođena je 1911. u skromnom bugarskom selu. Unatoč, ili zbog toga, gubitka vida u tornadu u dobi od 12 godina, razvila je nevjerojatnu ...Baba Vanga nació el 31 de enero de 1911, en Bulgaria, y falleció el 11 de agosto de 1996 a causa de un cáncer de mama a los 85 años. ... Antes de su muerte, Vanga también predijo la resolución de la crisis mundial del hambre entre 2025 y 2028, el regreso del comunismo en 2076 y que la humanidad conseguiría viajar en el tiempo en 2304.Baba Vanga stands as one of these rare figures. Despite being an elderly and blind Bulgarian woman, she is rumored to have accurately predicted numerous significant world events in recent history.Legendary prophetess Baba Vanga is famed across the globe for her terrifyingly accurate predictions for the future of our world.This video, we delve into Baba Vanga's striking predictions for the years 2024 and 2025. We discuss the accuracy of Vanga's past successes and how realistic her forecasts for …Ето пророчествата на баба Ванга до края на този век. 2023 орбитата на Земята ще се промени драстично. През 2025 г. Европа ще бъде още по-малко населена.2028 астронавти ще пътуват до Венера.The mystic lived in the Balkans until her death in 1996. The 2024 predictions of the 'Nostradamus of the Balkans' appear to be coming true, just four months into the year. Baba Vanga is a ...बाबा वंगा ने 2016 में यूरोप पर मुस्लिम आतंकियों के हमले की भविष्यवाणी भी की थी। इतना ही नहीं उन्होंने यह भी बताया था कि 2010 में मीडिल ईस्ट में संघर्ष शुरू हो ...As speculation brews around the likelihood of these prophecies, it’s essential to note that Baba Vanga’s visions extended beyond 2024. Her foretelling included the …Vanga has predicted an assassination attempt on Russian President Vladimir Putin by a fellow countryman next year. 2) Terrorist and biological attacks. She warned of increased terrorist attacks in Europe, as well as predicting a 'big country' will conduct biological weapons tests or attacks in 2024. 3) A huge economic crisis in 2024.A jól ismert jós, Baba Vanga egy sor jóslatot tett 2024-re, beleértve a szörnyű terrortámadásokat is. A balkáni Nostradamus azt jósolja, hogy a világ vezetőit meggyilkolják, és biológiai fegyverekkel támadásokat hajtanak végre. Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, Baba Vanga néven vált ismerré.Slepá jasnovidka Baba Vanga, která předpověděla útoky z 11. září, byla považována za nejznámější věštkyni své doby.A byť už je řadu let po smrti, její proroctví se stále mohou naplnit. Na rok 2024 podle zahraničního webu Wio News predikuje atentát na ruského prezidenta Vladimira Putina a velké pokroky v medicíně. . Vynalezen má být lék na rakovinu či AlzheimerovuLas predicciones de Baba Vanga no son realmente todas rosas. En 2024, prepárate para las guerras en el ciberespacio 💻! Advierte de un aumento de los ciberataques para 2024. No se trata de hackers ordinarios; están aumentando en sofisticación, apuntando a infraestructuras críticas como las redes eléctricas y las instalaciones de ...Aug 23, 2023 · Baba Vanga 2024 - to sú jej predpovede na rok 2024, ktoré sme sa snažili pochopiť a rozlúštiť z rôznych online zdrojov a sľubujú veľké zmeny. Baba Vanga, bulharská prorokyňa, sa stala legendou pre svoje neuveriteľné predpovede. Narodila sa v roku 1911 v skromnej bulharskej dedinke. Napriek tomu, alebo práve preto, stratila zrak v tornáde vo veku 12 rokov, vyvinula ...Baba Vanga se v mnohém, co předpovídala pro letošní rok, strefila. Smrtící virus se znovu objevil, stejně jako hladomor a krize s pitnou vodou (krizi s plynem a ropou Vanga nepředpověděla). Dále hovořila o alternativním zapojení Země a o ekonomické krizi. Na mnoha proroctvích se shodla s váženým kolegou Nostradamem.Baba Vanga Prediction: वेंगा की 'परमाणु भविष्यवाणियां' कि वर्ल्ड वॉर की शुरुआत होने वाली ...Baba Vanga prédit qu'en 2024, une étoile explosera, illuminant le ciel pendant cinq ans ! ... 2025 - L'Europe reste peu habitée. 2028 - Les humains créent une source d'énergie nouvelle et innovante (très probablement la fusion nucléaire contrôlée). La faim dans le monde est éradiquée.May 5, 2024 · S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre. Découvrez les prédictions surprenantes de Baba Vanga pour l'année 2025, de bouleversements politiques à des avancées révolutionnaires en médecine. Entrez dans l'énigmatique univers de la célèbre voyante bulgare et explorez ce que l'avenir pourrait nous réserver selon ses visions.We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.Baba Vanga, odnosno Vangelia Pandeva Gušterova, ... New York Times u nastavku je podsjetio da je Vanga navodno predvidjela i da će između 2025. i 2028. godine biti riješen problem gladi, da se 2076. godine vraća komunizam, kao i to da će ljudi od 2304. godine moći početi putovati kroz vrijeme.Apr 3, 2024 · Climate changes. Baba Vanga had predicted the occurrence of severe weather events and natural disasters in 2024. According to a study published in Science Advances, global heat waves are occurring ...Baba Vanga - called the Nostradamus of the Balkans in reference to the French astrologer - supposedly predicted 9/11, but she's been dead for 26 years.A series of predictions Until 2025 WORLD predictions. ️Baba Vanga Prediction List From 2025 to the End (year 5079) of the World.still not release. release ve...Baba Vanga: las predicciones de la famosa vidente para 2021. QUIERO LEER!!! 2028- La humanidad lanzará una nave espacial con destino a Venus, la hambruna irá siendo superada, se crearán nuevas fuentes de energía, alguna reacción termonuclear controlada. 2033- El hielo de los polos se derrite y aumenta el nivel de agua en los océanos.Yolanda Saldivar is eligible for parole from the Mountain View prison facility in Gatesville, Texas, on March 30, 2025. Saldivar is serving a life sentence for the first-degree mur...Baba Vanga syntyi 1911, hän oli oikealta nimeltään Vangelia Pandeva Surčeva. wikimedia commons. Pekka Numminen. lauantai 31.12.2022 klo 21:04. Hei, Iltalehden lukija. Voit lukea tämän yli vuoden vanhan artikkelin, kun kirjaudut sisään Alma-tunnuksellasi. Mikäli sinulla ei ole vielä Alma-tunnusta, voit luoda sen helposti ja maksuttomasti.Previziunile Babei Vanga. Previziunea Babei Vanga pentru anul 2025 care afectează și România. Baba Vanga ar fi avut o profeție legată și de anul 2025, când Europa ar putea avea de suferit extrem de mult din anumite motive neștiute și ar fi pustiită.. Trei ani mai târziu, în 2028, potrivit previziunilor Babei Banga, va apărea o nouă formă de energie și va dispărea una dintre ...Angelia Pandeva Dimitrova, cunoscută drept Baba Vanga, a făcut o profeție cutremurătoare. Ea este născută la Strumica, Republica Macedonia pe 31 ianuarie 1911. Baba Vanga a decedat pe 11 august 1996. Bătrâna a povestit cum viața ei s-a schimbat radical la vârsta de 12 ani. Atunci o tornadă a aruncat-o la 400 de metri de locul în care se afla. Din acel moment, Baba Vanga și-a ...Shirdi, the holy town in Maharashtra, India, holds immense significance for devotees of the revered saint, Sai Baba. Every year, thousands of pilgrims flock to this spiritual desti...La Nostradamus de los Balcanes, Baba Vanga, cuyo nombre real era Vangelia Gushterova, fue una destacada vidente búlgara nacida el 31 de enero de 1911. A lo largo de su vida, se ganó una ...In 2024, several of Baba Vanga's predictions appear to be coming true, including the development of a cancer vaccine by Russia and the onset of a global economic crisis affecting nations like Japan and the UK. Beyond these, her foresight also extends to increased terrorism, natural disasters, cyber attacks, and even an assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin.Mar 26, 2022 · Baba Vanga 'saw' may natural disasters and warned about conflicts before they happened. ... A new energy source will be created and global hunger will start to be eradicated between 2025 and 2028 ...Những lời tiên tri của bà Baba Vanga được cho là chính xác đến 85%, trong đó có nhiều sự kiện lớn đã được cả thế giới kiểm chứng.Cyber attacks. Baba Vanga also seemed to know a little bit about the rise of tech crime, predicting there would be a rise in computers being used for cyber attacks.. But it won’t be small-scale stuff — any cyber attacks conducted in 2024 would have the potential to disrupt major infrastructure such as power grids or water treatment facilities.While Baba Vanga's predictions for 2025 remain open to interpretation, they invite us to reflect on our future and the challenges we may face. These prophecies, imbued with mystery, remind us of ...Summary. According to Baba Vanga’s predictions for 2024, Donald Trump will be re-elected as president. She also foresees the risks associated with artificial intelligence, breakthroughs in finding cures for previously incurable diseases, Vladimir Putin assuming a global leadership role, and the alarming consequences of climate change. …The year 2022 is about to end the world is excited for the upcoming year. With new energy and enthusiasm, people are waiting to embrace 2023, but some of the predictions for the year are quite scary. Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, who is commonly known as Baba Vanga, had predicted the year 2023 to be gloomy, with possible visits from aliens and nuclear explosions.Baba Vanga lavede fem vigtige forudsigelser for 2023. Den første var, at Jordens kredsløb på en eller anden måde vil ændre sig. Jordens kredsløb om solen er kendt for at ændre sig uendeligt ...Born Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, Baba Vanga, died at the age of 84 over two decades ago. What predictions did she make for 2024?Baba Vanga left a list of predictions for years to come and one of her 2023 forecast's has just come true.Baba Vanga imala je "vizije" i za 2024. godinu. Mediji su radili na "dešifriranju" njenih predviđanja i ona bi, ukoliko se obistine, donijele velike promjene. Baba Vanga, bugarska proročica, postala je legenda zbog njenih nevjerovatnih predviđanja. Rođena je 1911. godine u skromnom bugarskom selu. Uprkos tome, ili upravo zbog toga, što je ...Được mệnh danh là Nostradamus của vùng Balkan, nhà tiên tri mù Baba Vanga được cho là đã tiên đoán chính xác sự trỗi dậy của Nhà nước Hồi giáo tự xưng (IS), vụ 11/9, trận sóng thần năm 2004, vấn đề biến đổi khí hậu và hàng loạt sự kiện liên quan khác.This video, we delve into Baba Vanga's striking predictions for the years 2024 and 2025. We discuss the accuracy of Vanga's past successes and how realistic ...World of Hyatt members will love this news: The company will grow its independent brand collection through 2025. Hyatt has detailed its plans to expand its so-called "independent c...Predviđanja za 2022. godinu. - Napad na Vladimira Putina. Vanga je predvidela napad na ruskog predsednika, ali to ne znači njegov kraj. - Pad meteorita. Procenila je sudar velikog meteorita sa Zemljom. - Ekonomska kriza. Države koje imaju dolar kao valutu biće najviše pogođene krizom. - Klimatske promene.Just so you know, prior to her death, Vanga also predicted the resolution of the world hunger crisis between 2025 and 2028, communism's return by 2076, and …Gloomily, Bulgaria’s most famous mystic, Baba Vanga, has predicted a new pandemic and an alien invasion await us in 2022. But how likely are the clairvoyant’s …End of births- Baba Vanga's last prediction for 2023 is thought to be a ban on births and that people will be grown in labs. ... Global hunger will be eradicated between 2025 and 2028. China will overtake the US as a superpower. Polar ice caps will melt from 2033 to around 2045 and ocean levels will rise around this time.The predictions of Baba Vanga for 2025 are a major topic ofn the internet so here is the detailed article on her predictions.Las profecías para 2021 de Baba Vanga. Esta poderosa psíquica que según sus seguidores anticipó el comienzo y el final de la Segunda Guerra, la pulverización del modelo creado por la URSS y ...Thứ hai, 16/10/2023 - 06:48. (Dân trí) - Thảm họa thiên nhiên, khủng hoảng kinh tế, và nhiều dự đoán gây choáng váng khác của bà Vanga về vận mệnh thế giới năm 2024 khiến chúng ta không thể "ngó lơ". Nhà tiên tri mù Baba Vanga từng dự …Known as Baba Vanga, this 84-year-old woman had been blind since her early childhood, but was been able able to predict a range of wild events throughout history, and even after she'd died. In fact, her predictions have been so bang on that Soviet leaders reportedly even sought her counsel following the several world wars of the 20th century.In 2024, several of Baba Vanga's predictions appear to be coming true, including the development of a cancer vaccine by Russia and the onset of a global economic crisis affecting nations like Japan and the UK. Beyond these, her foresight also extends to increased terrorism, natural disasters, cyber attacks, and even an assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin.Alibaba (BABA) stock is on the move Friday as investors react to mixed news about agreements between the U.S. and China. BABA got a boost before Fed news brought it back down Sourc...So which of Baba Vanga's predictions have actually rang true? Here we take a look at every prediction that became reality - as well as her chilling new claims for 2024.Baba Vanga Predictions List By The Year 2023: Baba Vanga was a Bulgarian mystic and clairvoyant who lived from 1911 to 1996. She gained notoriety for her prophecies, many of which have been ...

Did you know?

That A MYSTIC blind woman born in Bulgaria had made predictions years ago about the historic events of this century. Baba Vanga's claims have been linked to events such as September 11 and the War…

How Maailma ühe tuntuima ennustaja, bulgaarlanna Baba Vanga nägemuste kõrval tunduvad Igor Mangi ennustused nagu helisev muusika. Vanga kohaselt algas Kolmas Maailmasõda 2010. aasta novembris tavalise sõjana - Põhja- ja Lõuna-Korea relvastatud konfliktina. ... 2025 – Euroopa on endiselt peaaegu asustamata. 2028 – Uue …巴巴·萬加 ( 保加利亞語 : Баба Ванга ,1911年1月31日—1996年8月11日),本名 萬格莉亞·潘德娃·古什特羅娃 ( Вангелия Пандева Гущерова , 娘家姓 Сурчева, Surcheva ), 保加利亞 盲人 預言家 、 神秘學家 與 藥草學家 ,知名於其通過預知夢 ...Baba Vanga ( tiếng Bulgaria: Баба Ванга, nguyên văn 'Grandmother Vanga') (31 tháng 1 năm 1911 – 11 tháng 8 năm 1996), tên khai sinh là Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova (tiếng Bulgaria: Вангелия Пандева Гущерова, nhũ danh Сурчева ), sau khi kết hôn đổi thành Vangelia Gushcherova ( Вангелия Гущерова ), là một nhà tiên ...Baba Vanga imala je "vizije" i za 2024. godinu. Mediji su radili na "dešifriranju" njenih predviđanja i ona bi, ukoliko se obistine, donijele velike promjene. Baba Vanga, bugarska proročica, postala je legenda zbog njenih nevjerovatnih predviđanja. Rođena je 1911. godine u skromnom bugarskom selu. Uprkos tome, ili upravo zbog toga, što je ...Durva, amit megjósolt. Baba Vanga ( Vangelija Pangyeva Guscserova) 1911-ben született. 12 éves korában elvesztette a látását egy különös, hirtelen támadt vihar után, amelyben elragadta az erős szél. Kövekkel és földdel eltemetve találtak rá egy mezőn. 1996-ban, 85 éves korában távozott e világból, de jóslatai tovább ...

When La clarividente, al parecer, acertó una profecía para este 2022 relacionada con el cambio climático.Baba Vanga Predictions List by Year PDF 2024 A Star Will Explore in 2024 That Will Light Up The Sky For A Few Years. ... 2025: Europe Stabilizes. In 2025, Baba Vanga predicted that Europe will experience a period of relative stability. After years of political and economic turmoil, the continent will begin to find its footing and work towards a ...does american airlines serve food in first class. big trouble for big brother, decentralized…

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xbull traction boards Baba Vanga (31/1/1911 - 11/8/1996), là nhà tiên tri, nhà nghiên cứu thảo dược nổi tiếng của Bulgaria.Sở dĩ bà được nhiều người biết đến là vì bà đã dự đoán chính xác rất nhiều sự kiện lớn, điển hình như thảm kịch Chernobyl (năm 1986), cái chết của Công nương Diana (1997), sự tan rã của Liên bang Xô Viết (1991 ...Alibaba (BABA) stock is on the move Wednesday as investors react to news of the company testing an AI tool to rival ChatGPT. Luke Lango Issues Dire Warning A $15.7 trillion tech me... kohler oil filter 52 050 cross referenceduralast battery bci group size 140r 470 cca h4 dl Nov 18, 2023 · Baba Vanga also warns of an impending global economic crisis and extreme weather events in 2024. ... and the resolution of the world hunger crisis between 2025 and 2028. In 2304, humans supposedly ...Maailma ühe tuntuima ennustaja, bulgaarlanna Baba Vanga nägemuste kõrval tunduvad Igor Mangi ennustused nagu helisev muusika. Vanga kohaselt algas Kolmas Maailmasõda 2010. aasta novembris tavalise sõjana - Põhja- ja Lõuna-Korea relvastatud konfliktina. ... 2025 - Euroopa on endiselt peaaegu asustamata. 2028 - Uue energiaallika ... labcorp beville road1998 4runner limitedadam wise net worth Baba Vanga is also said to have predicted a major nuclear plant explosion this year, that would see toxic gas settle over Asia. Thankfully, 2023 hasn't seen any such event - but with a month ...Vanga väidetavate ennustuste hulgas, mis on seotud aastaga 2025, on näiteks: Kliimamuutused ja loodusõnnetused: On öeldud, et Vanga ennustas, et kliimamuutused muutuvad veelgi äärmuslikumaks, põhjustades ulatuslikke üleujutusi ning maalihkeid mitmetes maailma osades. Tehnoloogiline progress: Mõned väited Vanga ennustuste kohta puudutavad tehnoloogia kiiret arengut, sealhulgas ... lowes funeral home mcrae ga obituaries Baba Vangaanl, born in 1911, is a blind mystic who lived in the rural countryside of Bulgaria's Kozhuh mountains. Her predictions for 2024 are pretty interesting. Sites like Euronews broke down her predictions, which include the standard natural disasters, strained economies, terrorist attacks within Europe, and biological weapon testing. o'reilly auto parts ballardfamily reunion name tagsdenso 056700 8570 Baba Vanga made a total of six predictions for 2022. While we hope her vision of a deadly virus in Siberia kickstarting another pandemic doesn't come true, two of them have …Baba Vanga is also said to have predicted a major nuclear plant explosion this year, that would see toxic gas settle over Asia. Thankfully, 2023 hasn't seen any such event – but with a month ...